A Volunteer Makes A Happy Tail


All of us at some time in our lives are disoriented by life.  Alone and adjusting to new surroundings energizes some people while others become depressed and retreat from the world.  Dogs and cats can struggle, too.  Peggy Sue, a mature cat, newly arrived at Rogue Valley Humane Society in October 2016 was in the struggle of her life:  not only was she shy, but being in close proximity to other cats proved to be incredibly stressful for her.

Luckily for Peggy Sue she was met by Lesse a volunteer blessed with patience and determination in equal parts.  Her consistent attention over weeks towards Peggy Sue paid off in ways no one could imagine.  Instead of hiding when staff, volunteers, and visitors walked into her room, now she wanted to be front and center and was open to affection from everyone.

When Peggy Sue still had not been adopted after three months—surprising us all–we decided she was ready to be a big fish in a bigger pond and transferred her to Oregon Humane Society in Portland through their Second Chance Program to improve her odds at a faster adoption and a new home.

It worked!  A lucky adopter took her home two days after she was made available.

To see a dog or cat like Peggy Sue blossom and find a home energizes the people who work and volunteer at RVHS.  Teamwork was the secret to Peggy Sue’s happy tail.  Thank you to Lesse, OHS, and everyone who helped Peggy Sue thrive!